The holidays are upon us and the world is in it's festive bustle all around, but things are not quite the same this year. The bustle is quieter and subdued in cheer. I must admit to being a part of those who feel a bit down this season. Like many of you, I am not able to be with my family this year due to COVID. It's the right thing to do, but something being right doesn't make it wanted. Anyway, I suppose I simply intend to commiserate with all of you about this muted 2020 holiday season.
I'd like to share a quote with you that I try to live by:
"Do your best and leave the rest. It will all come right, some day or night."
We may not all be in the happiest place emotionally right now, but we are not alone. So long as we can all strive together to do our very best in our lives for all things big and small, then it will turn out all right in the end. Perhaps on a winter night. You never know when the world will tip into a more joyful place. Let's all be ready to welcome it when it does.
I will leave you with a little haiku I recently wrote about snow. I don't often write poetry, but I certainly enjoy the reading and writing of it from time to time.
The world is soft white
Champagne powder tickles me
Gentle joy abundant

A perfect New Year haiku. Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Hanukkah, etc., etc., and a Happier 2021!