Hello after a looooooooong time. Apologies for not posting for a while. I got super distracted with marketing To Save a World on all the social media places and what not. Forgive me?
So, I've updated all my social media things! You can find all of these links via the icons in the footer, or you can click on them here :)
I have a whole YouTube channel now! Yay!
Find me on Instagram as @hollisjomccollum or click this link if you're on a desktop: https://www.instagram.com/hollisjomccollum/
My LinkedIn profile just got a major overhaul too:
Of course, I still have my facebook page, so check it out if you haven't visited in a while: https://www.facebook.com/hollisjomccollumauthor/
That's it for social updates! I will post again soon (no really, I will) regarding some announcements about To Save a World. In the meantime, socialize with me :D